Optimized Process
Lower the Cost of Processing Fees with Cash Discount. From Wholesale Payments
The costs associated with running a small business continues to increase and finding creative ways to recoup those costs can be challenging. Priority’s proprietary application, MX™ Advantage for Cash Discount, provides merchants with the ability to apply a discount when cash or debit is used for payment and helps merchants offset the cost of processing fees.
CONTACT DUDLEY JENNINGS 661-478-0657 dudlleyjennings01@gmail.com
And to add value and create customer loyalty, the MX™ Advantage for Cash Discount integrates seamlessly with these
MX™ products:
• MX™ Invoice
• MX™ Payment Links
• MX™ QuickBooks Sync
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Jennings Media Solutions
Phone: 661-478-0657
Email: dudleyjennings01@gmail.com